At TRAFFIC TECHNIQUE we possess the knowledge and the experience to offer a full package of services that support our products, extending from detailed intersection drawings and signalling programs generated with a methodology that takes into account the traffic capacity of the intersection, to the supply, installation, maintenance and telematic supervision of the traffic control equipment through Remote Control Servers owned by our company.
Starting by researching on-site, we map and/or draw the configuration of a new junction and then the infrastructure, the pole and signal heads arrangement, and generally the electrical part of the installation (wiring e.tc.).
In the next step takes place the traffic data processing and the signalling programs are elaborated with the use of an internationally recognized optimisation software (TRL Transyt 15), based on the criterion of achieving the maximum traffic flow at an intersection or a network level.
Based on the data obtained from the above-mentioned procedure, subsequently the parameterization and the storing of the program on the appropriate electronic equipment (traffic controller e.t.c) takes place, as well as the functionality testing (before dispatching to the installation site) and laboratory check, in field emulation conditions.
The vehicle traffic is –as is commonly known- a dynamic effect, given that it is constantly transforms, consequently the efficient operation of a traffic signalling installation is obtained by carefully assessing the specific existing conditions and by applying the appropriate necessary measures. At TRAFFIC TECHNIQUE we always pay attention to the outcome of the relevant applications that we implement and we attach great importance in recommending to the cooperating Authorities targeted measures which we consider essential for managing a traffic congestion that originates potentially in non-optimised traffic signaling. These measures may be a simple update to the constant time programs, or applying the strategy of traffic self-influenced adjustments to the signaling, or even modifying the existing traffic layout. In some cases, small changes to the timing of the signaling programs can have as a result a great reduction in the aggregate delays in an intersection.


TRAFFIC TECHNIQUE, from 2000 until today, has fully installed and subsequently supported a great number of traffic signaling installation in the Greek area. The technical support for these installations, relates to the maintenance, the supervision of the operation, to modifications and improvements, to upgrades of the electronic equipment, or even to interventions for repairing operational failures.
The company, with proprietary servers, offers through the internet telematic control of the installations, as well as electronic administration and supervision of works being carried out, with the aid of which the competent Authorities (supervising Public Services) can get informed in real-time about the status of the installations, about the failures/damages, the incidents and the works taking place at the installations that are supported by our company.
Α great number of installations that we have constructed, are being supported over time via Service Agreements (contracts) with the appropriate competent Institution, in terms that are best suited to their needs.