Term of Use
The visitor/user of this website must comply with the rules and provisions of Greek, European, and International law and the relevant legislation governing telecommunications, and must refrain from any illegal and abusive use of the content and services of this website.

Our Website is not responsible for the content and services of other websites to which it refers through "links," nor does it guarantee their availability. Any problems that may arise during the visit/use of the linked websites are the sole responsibility of the respective websites. For your easy access, our Website may include links to Internet websites owned or managed by third parties. By connecting to these third-party websites and before using them, the user will review and agree to the terms of use mentioned on them. The user also agrees that our Website has no control over the content of those websites and cannot assume any responsibility for material created or published by third-party websites. Additionally, a link to a third-party website does not imply that traffictech.gr endorses the website or the products or services mentioned on it.

Use of Services

By submitting material to the traffictech.gr Website, the user agrees that (a) the material will not contain anything illegal or otherwise inappropriate for publication and will adhere to the ethical guidelines listed below, (b) they will make reasonable efforts to scan and remove any viruses or other contaminating or destructive elements before submitting any material, and (c) they own the material or have the unrestricted right to provide it to us and the Website may publish the material without charge and/or incorporate it or any concepts described in it into its products without liability and without accountability, (d) they agree not to take action against traffictech.gr concerning the material they submit and agree to indemnify the owner of traffictech.gr if any third party takes action against it in relation to the material submitted. The Website administrators may remove any material posted by users at their discretion if it does not comply with the above rules.

Code of Conduct
The traffictech.gr Website focuses on the inherent nature of participatory processes and aims to become a platform for showcasing ideas. This parameter entails certain editorial and structural conditions and restrictions. All participants will adhere to specific ethical guidelines, meaning that any text uploaded, especially in discussion and opinion spaces, will meet the ethical requirements set by our website. Texts that are abusive, sarcastic, and generally do not meet the minimum conditions of respect for individuals, opinions, diversity, and generally do not reflect the philosophy of a civilized and equal terms dialogue, will not be posted on the Website. On the contrary, the diversity of opinions, perceptions, and the presentation of arguments to support one or another opinion constitute a source of wealth. traffictech.gr and the team responsible for managing the website invite all those who will participate in this form of communication and dialogue to respect these basic ethical guidelines so that by adhering to these basic principles, dialogue and exchange of views can take place within the framework of respect for the views and individuals expressing them.